Reader At Work 1

Reader at work 1

Reader At Work 1

Mary Snyder is American. She is from Michigan. She is a teacher at METU. Her class is small, but it is nice. The students aren’t all from Turkey. Robab is from Iran. Mohan is from India and Habib is from Egypt. Mrs. Synder is a very good teacher.

Mary Snyder is American.
Mary Snyder Amerikalıdır.
She is from Michigan.
O, Michigandır.
She is a teacher at METU.
O, ODTÜ’de bir öğretmendir.
Her class is small, but it is nice.
Onun sınıfı küçüktür ama hoştur.
The students aren’t all from Turkey.
Öğrencilerin hepsi Türkiye’den değildir.
Robab is from Iran.
Robab İranlıdır.
Mohan is from India and Habib is from Egypt.
Mohan Hindistanlıdır ve Habib Mısırlıdır.
Mrs. Snyder is a very good teacher.
Bayan Snyder çok iyi bir öğretmendir.

Hanako Sato, a well-known businesswoman, is the new director of Pop Fun, an international record company with two offices in Japan. Mrs. Sato is the first woman to direct the company’s Tokyo office in it’s fifteen-year history. Mrs. Sato is also a successful housewife and mother. She and her husband, Taro Sato, have got two daughters. Tomiko, 24, is a secretary for Japan Airlines in New York City. Akiko, 19, is a student at New York University.

Hanako Sato, a well-known businesswoman, is the new director of Pop Fun, an international record company with two offices in Japan.
Tanınmış bir iş kadını olan Hanako Sato, Japonya’da iki ofisiyle uluslararası bir kayıt şirketi olan Pop Fun’ın yeni yöneticisidir.
Mrs. Sato is the first woman to direct the company’s Tokyo office in its fifteen-year history.
Mrs. Sato, 15 yıllık tarihinde, şirketin Tokyo ofisini yöneten ilk kadındır.
Mrs. Sato is also a successful housewife and a mother.
Bayan Sato ayrıca başarılı bir kadın ve annedir.
She and her husband, Taro Sato, have got two daughters.
O ve eşi Taro Sato iki kız evlada sahiptir.
Tomiko, 24, is a secretary for Japan Airlines in New York City.
24 yaşında olan Tomiko, New York’ta Japon Havayollarında bir sekreterdir.
Akiko, 19, is a student at New York University.
19 yaşında olan Akiko New York Üniversitesinde bir öğrencidir.

Longleat House is 140 kilometres west of London, between the cities of Salisbury and Bath. The house is the home of Lord Bath. It is about 400 years old. Visitors can walk through and look at the beautiful rooms and they can see the antique furniture in the rooms. There is also a Safari Park at Longleat House. Visitors can drive through the park and see many animals there.

Longleat House is 140 kilometres west of London, between the cities of Salisbury and Bath.
Longleat Evi, Salisbury ve Bath şehirleri arasında, Londra’nın 140 kilometre batısındadır.
The house is the home of Lord Bath.
Ev, Lord Bath’ın evidir.
It is about 400 years old.
O, yaklaşık 400 yaşındadır.
Visitors can walk through and look at the beautiful rooms and they can see the antique furniture in the rooms.
Ziyaretçiler güzel odalar içinde gezinebilir ve onlara bakabilir ve odalardaki antika mobilyaları görebilirler.
There is also a Safari Park at Longleat House.
Longleat Evi’nde ayrıca bir Safari Parkı vardır.
Visitors can drive through the park and see many animals there.
Ziyaretçiler parkın içerisinde araba kullanabilir ve orada birçok hayvan görebilirler.
Longleat House is open every day from 10 o’clock in the morning to 6 o’clock in the evening.
Longleat Evi her gün sabah saat 10’dan akşam saat 6’ya kadar açıktır.
The Safari Park is open only in the summer.
Safari Parkı sadece yazın açıktır.

New York University is in Greenwich Village. Students can get almost everything they need near the university campus. There is a post office on 9th Street. There is a bank on 5th Avenue and there are two on 8th street. The restaurants and coffee shops in Greenwich Village are very popular.

New York University is in Greenwich Village.
New York Üniversitesi Greenwich Köyü’ndedir.
Students can get almost everything they need near the university campus.
Öğrenciler, ihtiyaç duydukları hemen hemen her şeyi üniversite yerleşkesi yakından alabilirler.
There is a post office on 9th Street.
9. Sokakta bir postane vardır.
There is a bank on 5th Avenue, and there are two on 8th Street.
5. Cadde de bir banka vardır ve 8. Sokakta iki tane vardır.
The restaurants and coffee shops in Greenwich Village are very popular.
Greenwich Köyü’ndeki restoranlar ve kafeler çok popülerdir.

New York University is in Greenwich Village. Students can get almost everything they need near the university campus. There is a post office on 9th Street. There is a bank on 5th Avenue and there are two on 8th street. The restaurants and coffee shops in Greenwich Village are very popular.

New York University is in Greenwich Village.
New York Üniversitesi Greenwich Köyü’ndedir.
Students can get almost everything they need near the university campus.
Öğrenciler, ihtiyaç duydukları hemen hemen her şeyi üniversite yerleşkesi yakından alabilirler.
There is a post office on 9th Street.
9. Sokakta bir postane vardır.
There is a bank on 5th Avenue, and there are two on 8th Street.
5. Cadde de bir banka vardır ve 8. Sokakta iki tane vardır.
The restaurants and coffee shops in Greenwich Village are very popular.
Greenwich Köyü’ndeki restoranlar ve kafeler çok popülerdir.

The University of London is in Bloomsbury. It was founded in 1836. There are many other famous buildings in Bloomsbury. The British Museum, which is near the university, is one of these buildings. There are also many restaurants and coffee shops, where you can buy things to eat. The restaurants are not always very cheap, but the coffee shops are excellent for the price.

The University of London is in Bloomsbury.
Londra Üniversitesi Bloomsbury’dedir.
It was founded in 1836.
O, 1836’da kuruldu.
There are many other famous buildings in Bloomsbury.
Bloomsbury’de birçok diğer ünlü bina vardır.
The British Museum, which is near the university, is one of these buildings.
Üniversite yakınındaki Britanya Müzesi, bu binalardan biridir.
There are also many restaurants and coffee shops, where you can buy things to eat.
Ayrıca yiyecek bir şeyler alabileceğiniz birçok restoran ve kafe vardır.
The restaurants are not always very cheap, but the coffee shops are excellent for the price.
Restoranlar her zaman ucuz değildir ama kafeler fiyatlar bakımından mükemmeldir.

Jim Chapman, a famous cameraman, is the new assistant director of Video Sound, a large film company. It has fifty-two offices all over the world. Mr. Chapman is the first American to work at the company’s Paris office in its thirty-year history. Mr. Chapman is not married. He’s got a sister – Mary. She lives with her friend Paul in London. She goes to the Faculty of Arts at the University of London. There are also the Faculties of Science, Engineering, Medicine and Music there.

Jim Chapman, a famous cameraman, is the new assistant director of Video Sound, a large film company.
Jim Chapman, ünlü bir kameraman, Video Sound adlı büyük bir film şirketinin yeni yardımcı yönetimidir.
It has fifty-two offices all over the world.
Şirket, dünya çapında elli iki ofise sahiptir.
Mr. Chapman is the first American to work at the company’s Paris office in its thirty-year history.
Bay Chapman, otuz yıllık tarihinde, şirketin Paris ofisinde çalışan ilk Amerikalıdır.
Mr. Chapman is not married.
Bay Chapman, evli değildir.
He’s got a sister – Mary.
Mary adında bir kız kardeşi vardır.
She lives with her friend Paul in London.
O, Londra’da arkadaşı Paul ile yaşamaktadır.
She goes to the Faculty of Arts at the University of London.
Londra Üniversitesi’nde Beşeri Bilimler Fakültesine gitmektedir.
There are also the Faculties of Science, Engineering, Medicine and Music there.
Orada ayrıca Fen Fakültesi, Mühendislik Fakültesi, Tıp Fakültesi ve Konservatuar da bulunmaktadır.

My name is Catherine, but I’m called ‘Kate’ by my friends. I live near Leeds, in the north-east of England. I’m a dental nurse. I work for a young Australian dentist. He’s very nice and he’s a very good dentist, but I don’t like my job very much. My sister is called Bianca. She’s married with two children, a girl and a boy, and lives in a house near London, in a town called Enfield. She’s a teacher. She teaches in a big school in the north of London. She likes her job very much. My brother’s name is George. He doesn’t have a job. He’s unemployed.

My name is Catherine, but I’m called ‘Kate’ by my friends.
Benim adım Catherine ama bana arkadaşlarımdan Kate denilir.
I live near Leeds, in the north-east of England.
İngiltere’nin kuzey doğusunda, Leeds yakınlarında yaşarım.
I’m a dental nurse.
Bir diş hemşiresiyim.
I work for a young Australian dentist.
Genç bir Avustralyalı diş hekimi için çalışırım.
He’s very nice and he’s a very good dentist, but I don’t like my job very much.
O, çok hoştur ve çok iyi bir diş hekimin ama ben işimi çok sevmem.
My sister is called Bianca.
Kız kardeşime Bianca denilir.
She’s married with two children, a girl and a boy, and lives in a house near London, in a town called Enfield.
O evli ve bir kız, bir erkek, iki çocuktur ve Londra yakınlarında, Enfield diye adlandırılan bir kasabada bir evde yaşar.
She’s a teacher.
O bir öğretmendir.
She teaches in a big school in the north of London.
Londra’nın kuzeyinde büyük bir okulda öğretmenlik yapar.
She likes her job very much.
O işini çok sever.
My brother’s name is George.
Erkek kardeşimin adı George.
He doesn’t have a job.
Onun bir işi yok.
He’s unemployed.
O, işsiz.

Nailsca, near Bristol Tel: 148952
Come to the Old England Restaurant in Nailsca for lunch and dinner! Enjoy our excellent international food from China, India, and Italy. We have wonderful steaks, fish and chicken. Sit in our lovely garden and try our Italian spaghetti and tomato soup. Our restaurant is clean. Our meals arc fantastic. They arc never cold and always delicious.
Come and have a good lime with your friends at our nightclub. Listen to music and dance from 11 pm to 3 am. We serve interesting drinks from different countries.
Do you want lo book a table? Phone NOW! We are very busy at lunch-times! Remember – The Old England Restaurant is the restaurant for all occasions: birthdays, business lunches and evening meals, all at reasonable prices.
Open for lunch: 12:00 – 2:00 pm.
Open for dinner: from 6:30 until midnight.


Many tourists visit this famous statue every year. It was a present from the French to the Americans. The statue is on Liberty Island. There are ferryboats from Battery Park to Liberty Island. The trip to the Statue of Liberty takes 15 minutes. Tickets for the boat trip are $6 for adults, $3 for children 3-7 years old and free for children under 3 years old. Boats leave Battery Park seven days a week, every half hour from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm. The statue is open until 5 pm. The last boat returns at 5:00 pm.


Mr. and Mrs. Garston live in a small village near London. They’ve got two dogs. Their names are Bruce and Spot. The dogs eat meat, biscuits and special dog food. Mr. Garston buys their food in London because the shops in their village don’t sell dog food. The Garstons have got neighbours, too, but they don’t like Bruce and Spot because they’ve got a cat. The postman doesn’t like the dogs, either.
Mr. Garston goes to London every day because he works there. He comes home at six. The dogs always wait for him. They stand near the door and bark. They are happy because they go for a long walk in the evening with Mr. Garston.


Derek Matthews wasn’t a good student at school. He liked horses so he wanted to be a jockey. Today, at 55, he is very famous and has got a riding school in Ascot, a few miles from London. He drives to Ascot three days a week, visits his horses and rides them. He says he enjoys his days at the riding school a lot.


Roland Kohl is an engineer in Berlin, Germany. Roland is a very active person. He is a good basketball player. He started the sport at the age of eleven. And he goes skiing in the Alps every winter. Roland’s mother and father live in New York. He was with them last year. Roland wants to live in the States, too.

Evi Pappas is from a small town near Athens and she studies English at university. She wants to be an English teacher. She plays the guitar in a group called New Band. She says, “We play in the evenings at a cafe. Many people like pop music. They come to the cafe and listen to us.” Evi isn’t married but she has an Italian boyfriend called Luigi. Evi speaks Greek, English, French and Italian.

Delia Chan is from Hong Kong. She is a student at a school for foreign students in New York. She has a restaurant in Hong Kong. She wants to speak English to the people in her restaurant.


Pam Robinson is a stewardess. She is from the U.S.A. She works for a big airline company. She flies to a lot of countries. She wrote a letter to her father from Tokyo.

Dear father,
We are. in Tokyo today and I’m happy because I can write to you.
You know, this is my second month in this job but I like it very much. I was in a lot of different places last month. I was in England, Canada, and Turkey. I wanted to phone you from Istanbul but I didn’t have any time.
Yesterday we were in Istanbul again. We were free for twelve hours. We didn’t want to stay at the airport. First we went to a restaurant near the airport and had lunch because we were very hungry. The food wasn’t very good but it was cheap. Then we went to the city and saw a lot of interesting places, too. The people, the houses, the food! Everything is wonderful in Tokyo, too. I want to buy some things for you here.
I thinks I’ve got a wonderful job but I was really very tired last month.
Wait for my next letter from Berlin. We are going there next.
Love, Pam


Joan was a very good student when she was at school. Computers were very interesting for her so she wanted to work with computers. She finished school two years ago and started to work as a computer programmer. Now she enjoys the work in the office very much. She can draw pictures with computers.


Mahatma Gandhi was born in India in 1869. He became one of his country’s leaders. Life was difficult when he was young. He got married at the age of thirteen; a common custom in India at that time. He studied law at the university. He went to London and became a lawyer. Then he returned to his country. A few years later, he went to work in South Africa. He organised demonstrations and they sent him to prison several times. Twenty years later, he returned to India. There, he worked hard to help the poor. He played a very important role in the independence of India. A fanatic killed him in 1948.

